Saturday, April 26, 2008

Today I flew in Kerry's new airplane.  We went to McCall for breakfast.  KERRY KEPT REFERRING TO HIS PLANE AS "SEXY". AND I KEPT SAYING "HOW CAN A PLANE BE SEXY"?  "OH, IT JUST IS".  WELL FINALLY I GET TO SEE THE PLANE AND I GUESS AS FAR AS PLANES GO, AND COMPARED TO THE OTHER PLANES WE SAW, IT WAS KIND OF SEXY.  (sorry I had the caps button pushed.)  It was great to get to McCall in 30 minutes and the seat is nicer than the other plane, but I just don't get that thrill and excitement out of flying.  I just wasn't born to fly!!  Kerry did a great job however.  Our landings were great and he even dodged another plane so we wouldn't collide.  
It's a good thing he has a friend and some sons-in-law who share his love for flying.  As for me I'll stick to tennis!! 

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Senior Prom

These are pictures of Travis from Prom.  His date's name is Elizabeth.  Wow, what a cute girl!  Travis looks pretty good himself, that is when his eyes are open!!  Good choice Travis!
Boat ride on the Ptomic River, I believe.  Fun but a little chilly.
Trav the Man!
I think we were a little tired here.  Even our monkey friend looks a little sleepy.  This was taken at the Museum of Natural History.
Hey, What's she doing on Travis' senior trip?  Causing trouble at the White House I hear.
So here is Travis the "senior" with his Mom (not a senior yet) with the Washington Monument in the background!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Washington D.C. With the Capital building in the background

So far this is the only picture I can get to upload from our trip to DC.  I will post more when I can get it to work.  We had a great time and walked for miles!!!  Aren't they so cute!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Welcome to Kerry and Terri's Blog!

Hello!  Well I'm trying to get into this blogging craze so let's see how it goes.  Hopefully we will have something interesting to share with you.  I'll share photos as soon as I figure it out!